Home    Steroids    9α-OH-AD


1. Product introduction


  9α-OH-AD is an important precursor for the production of corticosteroids with halogens at the 9α position, which plays a very important regulatory role in the body, and many steroidal hormone drugs are produced with 9α-oh-ad as the starting raw material; the use of 9α-oh-ad allows the synthesis of a wide range of important steroidal drugs such as hydrocortisone, 17α-hydroxyprogesterone, eplerenone, dexamethasone, betamethasone, cortisone, flunasalone acetate, fluohydroxyprednisolone and other important steroidal drugs of great commercial value.


2. Technology parameter


  Biotransformation method to produce 9α-OH-AD from phytosterol.
  Adding amount of phytosterol (25g/L): 2.5%; 
  Final titre: 10g/L; 
  Fermentation time: 120hrs